Shipment of 2 cars

Elise Submitted this review about Allstate Auto Carriers LLC
Review made Live: 8/31/2009 12:17:00 PM
I was pleased with the timelliness and contact that Roger gave me. He was on top of everything and answered my questions and emails as often as I had them. He was knowledgeable and helpful too. His advsie on the length of time to allow for the delivery time from start to finish was spot on. The only issue was the driver wanted to deliiver the cars earlier than the arrival of us in Indiana. He held the cars but then had a day delay in getting them to us but I do not place blame with Allstate, just on a cmmunication glitch. I would recommend this company and would use again when I need to have the cars returned back to CA when college is over. Thanks to Roger I now have confidence in shipping an auto across the country.