Failed to meet expectations

Stephen Submitted this review about All Day Auto Transport
Review made Live: 11/7/2013 3:18:00 PM
This service was probably the worst I could have expected. I don't mean that as hyperbole, it actually failed every expectation I had. I'll walk through the entire chronology of failings.

QUOTE: my original quote was for $800. That was a reasonable and competitive quote, except for the fact that EVERY driver wanted an additional $100 to $200, or up to 25% extra! This defeats the purpose of a quote.

PICKUP: I had a strict moving schedule that I had to adhere to. I expressed that to the broker, Jackie, and acted as though they would do everything they could to match that. I called numerous times to confirm my pickup, and they impressed upon me that the driver would call sometime the day before pickup and to be patient. At 4:55 pm with close of business fast approaching, I had heard nothing, so I called again. Let me reiterate: I called THEM. At that point, the manager, Susan, said she was running out the door, but that the driver had cancelled. No one would have told me unless I called. She said she would do everything to dispatch a car, but of course, this didn't work, which gave me less than 12 hours to make other arrangements with friends and coworkers for a later pickup. They were able to dispatch a driver the following week, but I had to leave my car in an industrial parking lot, unprotected, for over a week.

DELIVERY: At this point, I was at my wits' end. And I expected the outside of my car to be dirty, as I had opted for an open air transport. However, when I received the car, there was black grit all over the INSIDE of the car! The black grit was even in the back seat, which is concerning as the driver has no business going into the back seat of my car. I asked him to clean it, but he implored that he had no upholstery wipes. He then asked me to get some, as if I kept them with me at all times.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Disappointed with my delivery, I called the broker. They adamantly objected to any sort of recompense since, as simply a broker, there service was completed as far as our agreement was concerned. I stated that it wasn't enough, but Susan, the manager, stated that her bosses would not agree to any further action since their duty had been completed. She advised that I should not have taken delivery of my vehicle- which was also impossible, since the driver would not have taken it back, notwithstanding my being without a car for the previous 2 weeks.

In summary, I stated to Susan and Jackie that I would not be writing a favorable review. They seemed unfazed by that assertion, so here is my unfavorable review, in total, as promised.