Save you car, money,

Dylan Submitted this review about All America Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 7:39:00 PM
Summary: Extensive damage to vehicle, verbally abusive, dishonest, rude, non-existent customer service!!! View Epinions/BBB for true record of this company!

I had the worst 'nightmare in real life' dealing with this company. Do your research. More information about these crooks is available elsewhere (for some reason the reviews on this site seems to be doctored in their favor). See below.

The saga began when AAAT did not heed my request to have the vehicle delivered on a certain date. It reached Seattle before I got there. When I called to complain, they pointed out to some fine-print and threatened me with dire consequences if I didn't sign for delivery ("Remember we have you vehicle - we will make sure you never see it again" were the exact words used)

In despair, I had a distant acquaintance sign for it. The transporter refused to note any damages saying all damages existed before ... with my not being physically present at delivery we had no recourse but to accept it. Because they didn’t record any damages on the bill of lading, these crooks got away!!

When I finally saw the vehicle I was shocked. The roof had been damaged, mirrors broken, paint scratched off in multiple places. $2000 is assessed damages! If you see the transport trucks they use, it easy to see why ... ramshackle old trucks that looks like end-of-life vehicles from some better transporter’s fleet - very unsafe for the vehicles being transported!

AAAT basically disowned responsibility! The transporter (I wonder how he sleeps at night with his dishonest and thieving soul?) stopped answering my calls. I must have wasted 40-50 hours trying to get some compensation - to no avail! AAAT could have easily used its influence on the transporter to submit an insurance claim - but no such luck. The ransporter was USA Auto Transport based out of Vancouver, WA.

So, all in all I had the worst service experience ever. Pay a little more and use a better transporter.

Proof: View their reviews on Epinions/see outstanding complaints on BBB

It's too late for me but if I can save a few of you from peril, I will have some closure. Good luck!

Company Response
Steve Walter from All America Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/20/2008 9:38:00 AM
The customer is complaining the car got there early? That is not a very common complaint in this industry. The alleged scratches on the customers car were never noted on the delivery condition report. He reported the damage to us three weeks after the vehicle was delivered. The trucker then faxed us a signed delivery condition report showing the car was received in good condition which prevents us from assisting him in a damage claim. AAAT