Good and Trustworthy Shipper

Rose Ann Submitted this review about All America Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/18/2008 2:45:00 PM
I recommend using this company.

At first the broker gave me a price then called me back to say it was a mistake...the actual price was higher. However, the broker gave me a lower price since the misquote was their mistake.

The actual shipper called 48 hours in advance to notify me of the pick up date and time. He called again to confirm the time on the day of the pick up. He also called 48 hours in advance of the delivery.

After meeting Vince and his wife I knew the car was in good hands. He was friendly and professional and appeared quite knowledgeable and trustworthy. He also inspected the car very carefully.

My only disappointment was that it was not a door to door pick up and delivery. He claimed his rig was too large to get into the gated community to pick up the car. The same held true for the delivery. While I was not at the delivery location my family member who took delivery of the car confirmed that the rig could not make it into her neighborhood.

Upon delivery, we inspected the car and all seem to be in good order.

All in all, it was a very positive experience. The trust and care with which Vince handled the situation was more valuable to us than the inconvenience of going to a designated location to drop off and pick up the car.