Camry Transport

Tracy Heavens Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 3/28/2009 10:00:00 AM
If reviewing many many transporters i determined that Agape was the perfect fit for me. From the beginning i deal with Christy who was bith very professional, pleasant to my many many questions. On march 20 i contacted Christy to finalize the deal. Witnin two hours Christy called back telling me she had a pickup set for the 23. the man who picked my camry up was both professioinal and polite. The camry was deleivered on time and in the exact condition as when picked up. Christy tracked the camry and kept me informed. She even arranged that the hauler did most of his deleiveries to Ct so was accostomed with Ct. Again thanks to Agape and in particular Christy who was a pleasure to deal with. On a scale of 1 to 5 Christy was a 10