
Aruch Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 6/5/2008 2:08:00 PM
I admire the over all service of Agape. One thing I'd like you to improve a bit is you should be calling your customer if your driver can not pick up the car on time . In my case, I had to wait all day and could not go anywhere because your driver told me that he would pick up my car on Sunday, but he did not come and didn't make a call. I tried to call him and your office bot no one pick up the phone; I get that it was Sunday, but you should not let your customer waiting without telling that you will not make it on time. Anyway, your delivery is faster than I thought and my car and all of my stuffs in the car are in good condition. So, I appreciate your service and I'll recommend your company to my friends.

