sent me over the edge! LIARS & THEIVES

Jayne Stephenson Submitted this review about Advanced Logistics
Review made Live: 9/8/2008 6:29:00 PM
Barry was very nice and helpful. I trusted in giving my credit card info with the understanding that the $200 deposit would be run ONCE I GET A CONTRACT. That goes to show you that one should NEVER give info until all is in writing. Doing that over the phone would ensure more safety for me then to give that info over an email (no security). I had rec'd many quotes and lowest being $800. I wrote Barry who got approval from Andy to do the move for $791 and so I was interested. I rec'd a very RUDE call from Andy yelling at me that they are unable to do a move for that amount. He acted as if I were to know the ins and outs of transport. He even warned me of low ball quotes.... which he did himself. Emails after emails have not helped. This move was to assist my mom in moving her to S. CArolina from CA. She rec's a call from a driver TODAY that they are on their way over to pick up her car. She is NOT READY TO MOVE. WE had no date set.............the entire process is the most stressful, unprofessional, rude experience I have ever encountered. BUYER BEWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!