Be Warned!

rkd Submitted this review about Absolute Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 8/17/2008 3:53:00 PM
I did not do my home work before picking Absolute Auto Carriers. Jimmy was a very nice person to talk to and did return phone calls, but was lacking e-mail support. All I wanted was to have my car shipped from Ohio to Washington. I told Jimmy I would do the standard delivery ( approx 7-10) days. After 20 days of no word and no pick up, I did a search and found this great web page and and I searched on Jimmy's company. Not one good words. A couple days prior I called Jimmy and he said it was going to cost more money to move the car. He never told me how much. I emailed Jimmy to cancel my order. The next day Christopher called and said they had someone to pick up the car. I said thanks but no thanks. Order is canceled.

I did a review and decide to use 360. I got my quote back which was 150.00 more, but 360 was on top of everything and my car was picked up the next day. I should have my car delivered this week. I will review 360 when I receive my car.

Company Response
Cliff Ullmann from Absolute Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/12/2008 7:25:00 PM
This company has been under new ownership/management since 9/08. Jimmy Phillips is no longer associated with Absolute Auto Carriers.