Vegas Submitted this review about Able Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/2/2008 1:03:00 AM
I called Able Auto Transport and made a reservation for the pick up of my vehicle more than 2 weeks in advance. I was told I needed to provide a 5 day time frame for when they would pick up my car with the understanding that I would be given advance notice before pick up. On the 4th day, I still had no answer as to when my car would be picked up by a carrier. Moving across the country can be very stressful and when you are told that they can't guarntee a time or date, it only makes the moving experience worse.

The customer service respresentative literally said, "money talks." I was told that if I paid an extra $200 on top of the $905 that I was already paying, it may make the truck come sooner, rather than later. I do not feel that it is ethical for a business to promote bribery. The situation made me VERY upset and I could not hold my composure. Instead of trying to appease me, the representative yelled back, which was the most disrespectful and unprofessional situation that I have every encountered in a business transaction.

Now, one day before moving out of state, I had to revoke my order and start fresh with a new company. Able Auto Transport is th most UNRELIABLE, UNPROFESSIONAL, and DISRESPECTFUL company that I have ever dealt with.