Car was damage and failed to disclose.

Charles Landon Submitted this review about Abby Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/23/2008 10:37:00 AM
My car arrived in Florida on 1/10/08 however was not delivered until 1/13/08 due to a "fatigued driver" and "work that needed to be completed on the delivery truck prior to another transport leaving from Miami the following week". Upon delivery, the vehicle was checked over by a family member not myself due to being out of town. It was later discovered that the rear hatch panel had been damaged and an attempt had been made to repair it and paint it. In addition, the rear glass had been broken and replaced however all residual glass from the initial piece was crumbled and remain in the rear hatch panel to rattle around. Additionally, the rear hatch will not open and opening mechanism is damaged. Additionally, the paint used to cover the damage has faded and cracked.
Upon calling the sub-contractor's number, I was referred to Jerry the owner of JEL trucking who said that he would contact his driver and return my call. Moments later, he called back and stated that his driver denied damaging the vehicle and that he was not responsible for the damage to the car. He exclaimed that too much time had past since the transport. I replied that I did not make a habit of walking around my vehicle or opening the back hatch when my daily routine included getting in and out of the driver side door. It was not until I recently had to try and open the rear door and load some items that the damage was discovered. Additionally, whomever did the work to try and fix the damage left multiple fingerprints both inside the panel and all around the damaged area both inside and outside the vehicle.
My experience with AbbyTransport as a broker was good however their sub-contractor JEL Trucking out of Lakeland FL is NOT a reputable company and would highly recommend all avoid them at all costs.