The worst experience I've ever had

Hugo Zhou Submitted this review about AFT Logistics Inc.
Review made Live: 8/20/2008 12:33:00 PM
It's been a nightmare to work with this company to transport my two cars. I called many time, every time you got the answer machine. sending an email, never answer.

They charged me $100 more than quote for the first vehicle and I have difficulty to get touch with them for my second vehicle, then send an email to cancle it. This time, I got immediate response by email. I guess that they can't find anybody to move my second car.

I will never ever use this company again!!! It's been a nightmare!!!

Faye, you should be fired...

Company Response
from AFT Logistics Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/20/2008 2:05:00 PM
I am very happy to respond this review. Mr. Hugo Zhou is not telling the truth and after giving him a deal, offering him no additional charges, he only hurt himself by posting such non sense especially when he was trying to pull a fast one and was very mean and rude to our staff with his demands and threats. Mr. Zhou was upset because Faye was off Monday and did not respond to his email. Her out of office reply was ON and sent him two emails stating his emails were received and would be answered upon her return and it also gave him other contacts in case he needed immediate assistant. I will let Faye explain (see below) Angela Office Manager AFT Logistics Inc. Thanks Angela, He requested to move TWO vehicles and quoted rate of 1396.00. He then decided he wanted to ship them separately, which would have been 1745.00 but he was strapped for cash and we talked with the drivers and they agreed to the 1396.00 rate. Keep in mind that the Actual Rate to ship ONE SUV, is $945.00 and ONE sedan, is $800.00 for individual with one vehicle. The first car was transported. The pick up fee was 171.00 and 650.00 due at delivery which = $821.00 total for the SUV. The remaining balance on the second vehicle was $575.00. His SUV is moved and that order is completed. His second vehicle, a sedan, was not available until 8/16-23. I assigned the driver this morning at 10:01 to pick up on 21st. HE CANCELLED THE SECOND CAR via email at 10:48. I cancelled his order, PER HIS EMAIL, I sent him this email: Since the order is cancelled the remaining balance on the second car is not due however all charges that are applied on the first move will remain without the cancellation fee. Your second order was cancelled 10:02 am 8/20/08 as requested. I am sorry that you did not get a reply fast enough however my OUT OF OFFICE reply was working and sent you two emails. He came back with an email demanding $84.50 be credited back to his account since he wasn’t moving the second car. I sent him an email explaining that HE CANCELLED THE ORDER before the contract was over and only moved one vehicle, the SUV; therefore there was no refund due. In actuality he would owe us monies for only moving one vehicle and the two car discount did not apply along with $100.00 cancellation fee for cancelling the order before the contract was up. He then sent an email demanding the monies and a time frame and threatened that he would do harm to our company if this was not credited. I sent him another email explaining there was no refund due and since he was insistent in making it RIGHT, I could charge him the $124.00 difference in only shipping one car and the $100.00 cancellation fee, if he wanted me to, otherwise no refund was due or going to be sent. THEN HE sent me an email asking me if I would still move his car. I explained, AGAIN, that when HE cancelled, I cancelled the spot with the driver and replaced it with another client’s vehicle that was willing to move a few days earlier. We won’t have another truck in that route for 21 days as they will be moving show vehicles and are booked solid. He demanded a refund or he would smear our name and report us, for what I have no clue. THEN he posted this review. Faye SR. Quote Specialist AFT Logistics Inc. Mr. Zhou, Let me explain to you a lesson in life: When you schedule TWO vehicles and we work very hard to get a rate that is almost impossible, to transport the SUV and a sedan, move the first one without a hitch, assign the second one per the agreed time and YOU CANCEL and we offer not to charge you for it, YOU SHOULD ACCEPT THAT KINDNESS WITH OPEN ARMS instead of thinking we are not smart enough to see this for what it really is. After reviewing the file, conversations with the client, driver assignment, and emails that conspired, it is our position to stand by our contract, per the CLIENT’s request and that is exactly what we in