Faye was great, but delivery was late!

Anne Uchida Submitted this review about AFT Logistics Inc.
Review made Live: 9/6/2007 9:07:00 AM
Faye was excellent. She was accomodating to work around my tight schedule (moving to the US from overseas, then arranging pickup and delivery times around my flight schedules - west coast to east coast to overseas again). She made my first experience transporting my car a good one.

My only problem is with the actual transporter, not AFT (the broker). They were over a week late delivering my car and when they did, it was at 1:30 in the morning! I expected some delays as it was the end of summer and getting near the Labor Day weekend, but not that long. It would have been nice if someone had contacted me after the approximated delivery date and let me know how much longer I'd have to wait for the car. The car was delivered in good, although expectedly dirty, condition, so I suppose other than the delivery delay, I don't have any complaints.

Company Response
from AFT Logistics Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/11/2007 10:46:00 AM
Hello Ms. Uchida, I want to apologize for the late delivery. The driver was running behind and could have communicated that better. We did stress the importance of delivering your vehicle ASAP. I apologize that he took that too literal and delivered so late in the evening. I hope that the rest of your move has gone well. Thank you, Andrew