Gives Con Men a bad name.....

Beck Submitted this review about AAA Anytime Inc.
Review made Live: 7/10/2008 10:38:00 AM
Everything that this company's web site says a consumer should look for is correct, trouble is, this outfit broke every one of their own "rules". First, "Beware of a "door to door" service" and "how many trucks will my car be on" are the first of their own web site warnings that they ignored. I was told the actual car carrier would come to my house to pick up the vehicle and they even took a request for "top rack" to avoid chips, dirt, etc.. After showing up 4 days late, there was no car carrier, just a guy in a pickup truck pulling a single trailer to load on the vehicle so he could drive it an hour and a half back in the wrong direction to "wait for a transport" (violating another warning from this outfit "Never allow your vehicle to be stored at a terminal" due to security, vandalism, and body damage possibilities increasing when moving on and off a truck and waiting for another carrier to show up). Next from this web site is "Find a company that uses two truck drivers", along with the warning that anytime a truck has only one driver, the driver will have to stop and leave the truck "unattended at a truck stop many times" which they warn is a big security issue especially if you have put personal items in the vehicle like AAA Anytime approves and suggests. Sure enough, the car carrier that was driving from Massachusetts to Oregon had, you guessed it, only 1 driver. I confirmed this with the actual driver himself, who actually works for a separate company having nothing to do with AAA Anytime. Now AAA Antime's web site does everything on their web site, up to actually telling you outright, that they are the auto transporter. They are not. They are no more than any other broker out there, from what I experienced. They took the order, got their money up front and then, all of a sudden, pickup dates evaporated, the car carrier coming to your house evaporated, the second driver evaporated and so did any pretense of "customer service". When I called AAA Anytime and asked about all of this, along with any hopeful idea of delivery, all I got was a very practiced and defensively aggressive lecture from the "customer service" specialist. He was rude, loud and obnoxious and was trying to make me feel like an idiot for thinking that their website reflected implied promises rather than "suggestions" and "goals". Maybe he was right on one count; I was an idiot to believe anything these people said to me at anytime (I even sent the cashier's check to them via Fedex overnight so they could have their money in time to "make sure we didn't miss the pickup date, another fantasy from them). I don't trust these people as far as I can throw them and I would NEVER, under ANY circumstances, use there "service" again. "BUYER BEWARE", what you see on their web site is definitely nothing at all like what I received.

Company Response
Paul Everich from AAA Anytime Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/29/2008 3:17:00 PM
Dear "Beck", You are not our customer. Please remove this review a.s.a.p. Sincerely, AAA Anytime, Inc.