AAA Anytime,inc performance

Marcel Joseph Submitted this review about AAA Anytime Inc.
Review made Live: 6/3/2008 4:49:00 PM
The experience of shipping an automobile through AAA Inc. is the worst I have ever encountered. AAA originally committed to transport the automobile either May 22 or 23. We were told that the car would arrive in Massachusetts in 3-4 days. This was acceptable as AAA did not mention any delays due to the Memorial Day holiday.

We were notified on May 22 that AAA was unable to get a driver to work over the holiday and that the car would be picked up on May 27 or 28. We had made plane reservations to travel to Massachusetts on May 25. While this was inconvenient, we did get a neighbor and a backup to substitute for us on the 27th or 28th of May. We rented an automobile in Massachusetts to have transportation on May 27 and beyond depending on the time table for arrival of our personal automobile. At that time we provided telephone numbers for our neighbors as well as the backup contact as our neighbors were starting their vacation on May 29. This was inconvenient to say the least, however, we decided to go along. Throughout the period several (6) contacts with customer service of AAA were met by a surly attitude. They would not give us a new pickup date or provide the telephone number of the truck driver who would transport the automobile to Massachusetts. The automobile was finally picked up at 9:15 p.m. on Saturday, May 31, 2008 vs. the original promise of May 22 or 23. The automobile was finally delivered June 2, 2008 at 9:00 p.m.

While it may appear that we are rambling on with this communication, simply said, AAA did not perform according to their commitments. As a consequence we will never use AAA again and make anyone planning to use AAA aware of the problems we have encountered.

The following actions will be taken as a result of the shabby treatment we have received from AAA. This delay necessitated that a car be rented from Enterprise Corp for a cost exceeding $206 and great inconvenience to us and a total cost of doing business with AAA, Inc. of more than $1,000.

The Attorney General of Nevada will be contacted and made aware of this situation in far more detail than herein. He will be asked to take the action necessary to prevent re-occurrence of the deceptive practices by AAA. The local Better Business Bureau will also be notified of AAA's poor service.

Company Response
Paul Everich from AAA Anytime Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/3/2008 5:59:00 PM
Dear Mr. Joseph, We are not AAA, Inc. You are not our customer. Please remove this review immediately. Thank you very much, Customer Service Dept.