Jeff G
Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers Review made Live: 11/24/2006 3:24:00 PM
I purchased a vehicle off ebay and needed to have it shipped from New Jersey to Wisconsin. I first choose this mover because of resonable price. I checked them out at the BBB and they seamed to check out. I had no problem making the "reservation". Once the "reservation" was made it was almost impossible to get ahold of them. They would not return my emails. I was told of a time period they would pick the car up. It came down to the end of that period when they asked me for a day or two extension. I said it would be okay. Car was picked up and everything went smooth according to the seller. Car showed up 6 days later without any damage but was dirty (I expected that). It also had some oil on it from a leaky vehicle above. It all washed up fine. I was not in a hurry to get the vehicle so I was flexible in pickup and drop off times. If I need to stick to certain dates it may have been a problem. Over all they did get me my car without damage and at a resonable cost.
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New Jersey
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