great service!!

Rich Bonanno Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 4/6/2009 12:56:00 PM
I have read so many horror strory's about people who had very difficult times with transport companys. We got lucky and had absoultely no problem. AA was great to work with, George answered all questions with results. My suggestions to anyone transporting a vehicle is, pay the extra money, and you get better service. They narrowed the wiindow on pick-up from 6 days to 3. AA used the same driver and truck for the entire transport, so we could call him and he would inform us where he was. We paid for door to door, but the driver did not want to come to the house,due to the size of the truck and narrow roads. We met him a large lot 2 miles from my home. He off loaded the car in 15 minutes and we were on our way. The car was in the same shape as the day it was loaded. If your going to use AA, call George!!!