Car Transport

John Meyerhoff Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 11/10/2008 9:19:00 PM
It is important to recognize that AA-Automovers was the broker for Pioneer Auto Express which did the actual transportation. I placed a request for transportation 2 weeks prior to the date which I wanted for pick up. Even though for $50 more they (AA-Automovers) offer a narrower pickup window, I was told that with that much lead time they could give me a narrower window without charging me more. The driver (for Pioneer Auto Express) picked up the car on time although we had to drive about 15 minutes to a mall which had a large enough parking lot for the carrier. The driver was professional, taking digital photos of the car and noticing 2 very minimal scratches on the 1 month old car. He told us he would be in California by Tuesday but in fact the car was not available for delivery until Thursday (which was the contracted delivery date). The car arrived in the same mechanical shape it was when loaded and with no damage nor any lost items. The car was dirty, but no dirtier than when we drove a different car cross country last year.