Moving the SUV to Arizona

Susan Parker Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 11/9/2008 10:07:00 PM
After considering every option we could think of tp move our Suzuki Samurai to Yuma, we finally settled on auto transport as our best choice. By "best" I really mean we thought it was the best of a bad lot - we had heard and read on line horror stories from people whose autos were months in transport, sitting on a truck somewhere out in the sticks because the driver quit, etc. So we didn't expect too much from this - just getting our Suzuki back would be a plus.

We were wrong. This was a very smooth experience, and we didn't even have time to start worrying before it was delivered. In fact, it got to Yuma several days before we did!

The price - $985 - did seem high, but it was lower than some others. We didn't want to give our baby to an absolute stranger to drive, and at least this was a real company with real insurance. The car did arrive dirty, which is to be expected from traveling cross country on an open transport. A car wash fixed that, and there was no other damage at all.

The whole thing was a pleasant surprise. If you are considering using this company, be brave. It's really not bad!