Will not be using again...

michelle Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 10/31/2008 10:48:00 PM
Both vehicles came to us damaged and we will have to repair them. We will not be using them again, since driver unloaded both vehicles without us present, at which time he damaged the cars and then proceded to insist that was how they were, despite the proof in pictures. We were told one of the vehicles at its stock height would be perfectly fine on the truck and when the driver showed up he made a big stink about how low it was. He wouldnt pick up or deliver door to door, we had to meet at parking lots. We did him this favor upon drop off also and he made a stink about how it was out of his way, despite the fact it was actually 10 miles closer to his route than he would have had to go if he actually came to our door.

The ONLY good thing about this transaction was that they took care of me last minute after being given the run around by another company.

One car has significant gouge in the front bumper from careless unloading, the other had a dent and cracked paint in the front bumper. It was loaded 1 inch from a metal barrier and clearly hit it many times during transport. We asked the driver to move it back when it was loaded but he refused. It is now going to cost over $2,000 to fix just that car.