Up front and to the point

Stavin Reese Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 9/13/2007 5:16:00 PM
We had a last minute family problem and went to the web to find some help. I got prices all up and down and I was very confused and needed help asap. 3 places called me but 2 of them really did not give me any type of service that I was looking for. Then this guy Mike called me and told me the best case and the worst case but made it very clear how and what his company was going to do for me. I checked around 2 more places and found that his deal was the best around or atleast everything he told me over the phone matched in writing. So I hired him and I cant be any more happier. The custoemr service person called me and told what was going on and then explained again what Mike told me and then charge me a fee. Then the next day the driver called to make an appointment to pick it up. They said about a week or a week and a half and the driver called me in a week and then came the next day. (4 hours late but who cares it was raining) My family problem did not get fixed but these guys helped us out and really made this happen. I dont know if I need to move again but They follow up. I never said thank you and I hope you all read this. THANK YOU!!!!!