A1 Shipping NO-Services

Marc Submitted this review about A1 Shipping Services
Review made Live: 10/18/2005 2:43:00 PM
Incredible, how this company can still be in business.
Everyone you ever get to talk/email or chat to has been nice and friendly but extremely inefficient, unresponsive and nothing but apologetic and useless in the end.

Quick to take your deposit, which you'll have to fight over to get it back a 100% (watch for that T&C disclaimer, if you can locate it on their site). I spend hours and hours over the phone and chat function just to clarify matters with them. Most of the time, you'll get a "yes, maybe...", " yeah, it should...", "check back in an hour/tomorrow/after the weekend...".

The dealership I bought the car from suggested A1 as he had one good prior experience with them and no hassles whatsoever.

However, their "services" to me were absolutely useless, since they claimed to be able to ship or at least pick-up within 3-6 days, then scheduled a pick-up after 1 week, which never materialized. Needless to say, they didn't even bother to call and let me know that the transport fell through. They were never able to let me know a new pick-up date after that, resulting in me cancelling the "service" after almost three weeks and picking-up the car myself!

I am still waiting for my refund three weeks after I canceled with them.

Good luck to you should you decide to go with them for reason of low price quote! Remember, in most cases you'll only get what you pay for. A1 is no exception! I paid approx. $950 incl. fuel surcharge and taxes for shipment from MO to CA. Great price if it would have worked out...