lewis thaw
Submitted this review about A1 Auto Transport Review made Live: 1/22/2005 9:04:00 PM
I suppily various vehicles to the local film industry here in Canada. We had to pick upa car in Alahabra CA and ship it Blane Wa, and from there we would use our local guys to del to it's final desination. A very simple transaction. I spoke to Aldoso on the phone( CR REP) and he explaned to me that it would take about 7 days once the car was picked up barring any unusal instances. In the film industry, TIME is gold.and being late--well you dont want to know the pelanties. I was responsible to arrange the transport of a ancent ( 1975) Dodge Dart, to Blaine ---get it from Blaine to Vancouver in order to prepair the car for use in an upcomming fearture film. One the car was here in Canada it had to painted, re-upolstered, and made Mechanicaly fit for use in the production. The car had to be on "stage" no later that the 26th of January. This was the 10th of January so I thought I had time to spare. Boy was I wrong!!!!!! The car did get picked up on time ( The 12th of Jan) and it sat for a day or two and there "Crossdock" --at that point it was the 15th and I was assured it would be on a truck headed to Seatle for del in Blaine for the 19th--then a quick trip to Blaine and off to the shop we would go--giving the crew 1 week to do the prep. Now this is were the excitement starts. I called on the 17th--the Monday to check progress--was told "yup it rolling" LIE NO 1 I called on the 19th---looking for a del time in Blaine so that I could meet the driver at the delivery point in Blaine. I was told the car was in Portland and it will be in Blaine on the 20th--no expenation given. I asked for a heads up call so that I could meet up and plane my side of things. --now the time we had to spare just go eliminated. On the morning of the 20th I called and was told that my car was in Seatle and somebody will call me to tell me when it will be at the drop point. SOMEBODY NEVER CALLED BACK!!!!!!! Lie no 2 8.30 am the morning of the 21st I call customer service and get told TODAY THE CAR WILL BE IN BLANE. Great !!! When will it be there? I asked . The cr rep I spoke to said she would have to get Dispatch to call me back with a time. ---Ok we have gone from having time to spare to getting extra crew lined up to work doubles to get this car ready on time. TIC TIC TIC goes the day and now it's getting on 3pm and i get the phone call from a manager ( Mike). I ask him when will my car get to Blaine. He tells me my car is STILL IN MONTERAY CALIF!!!!!!! I actually felt my chest tighten when his words sunk in to my head. Here we are 3pm on Friday, I am expecting my car Today!!! and it's a thousand miles away sitting in sunny California. He said he would call me back at 5pm and tell me when I could expect my car. At 5.30 I find out that I would not see my car untill MONDAY --tha my car was actually in Portland and it still had to go to seatle ect..ect. At 7 pm I get a call from Jim telling me that I should have never recived the price I paid and that he is going to stop dealing with Canadains because we are two high mantenace. Imagin that actually wanting what we were promised is considered to demanding and high maitenance. I not so calmly explane to Jim that I better have my car ASAP because of my obligations. He then tells me that my car is being loaded in Portland as we speak and that it will arrive in Blaine in the morning---but there is a catch--It not going my drop point---It has to be droped a some puplic storage place and I will have to pay an extra $50.00 to get my car!!!!! Is that a scam or what!!! He told me that the only way to avoid the charge was to meet the driver and have the driver give me the keys directly insted of picking them up from the manager of the storage place. So bright and early I call Jim and ask him what Time will his driver be there. He puts me on hold and tells me Between 10 and 11 am. So I hurry on down the this seedy storage place and arrive at 10.30 and see the driver in the office of the storage place. Perfect!!! no $50.00 ransome. Wrong!!!! I ask him for the keys and he says "O your from the movies---I just gave her the keys " At witch point the manager says $50.00 or you dont get your car. I say excuse me!!! you want to charge me $50.00 ( she insisted on cash) for holding keys for 5 min?!?!?!?. All she said was $50.00 or I keep your car!!!! To make a long story short--I paid the $50.00 --but I put it on my VISA---( I will deal with visa on the matter) and I get to the border to be told that I cant cross untill Monday!!!! The US only proseses export cars from Monday to Friday--8am till 3.30. So now I need a act of GOD in order to get this car done and all Jim could say was next time you need a car moved --dont call us. No problem. It took 10 days to move a car 1700.00 miles Tracking no on my ordeal was 114729.
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