They bully and threaten customers

Threatened Customer Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 11/1/2010 11:18:00 PM
This middle-man company promised verbally pick-up and delivery by a certain date. When they didn't pick up on time, I called. The agent transferred me to his boss with a booming, thug-sounding voice who proceeded to shout and threaten to send the police to my door to arrest me for harassment if I ever called them again. Then he slammed the phone down. I am more law-savvy than the average person, so I was not actually afraid of the police coming to get me, but I am a small woman, so it was rather scary. Unfortunately, I didn't read the BBB reviews until after I'd sent them money. The BBB reviews were all consistently awful. I'd rather spend 50% more next time and use another company. (I ended up spending much more any way, because when I eventually got a driver, I told the driver's company if they delivered by a certain date, I would pay an additional 25%.)