Non Payment

Robert Stevens Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 8/9/2009 8:26:00 PM
This company A Eastern Connection now using the name of A Blue Knight.
Do not do any business with this company, They lie and are very rude. They hide behind the telephone to use very rude and unprofessional business behavior. I am sure they would never act the way they do on the phone in a face to face setting!!!! They Owe me 1700.00 dollars and sent me a check on an closed account. If they have done this or cheated you and have not paid you please feel free to contact me, I have hired a lawyer in New York more people in the suit will help get this company noticed by the states Attourney General MR Cumo. we need to let him know about this company and hopeful his office will shut them down....