Twilight Zone

steve lewis Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 11/18/2008 12:20:00 PM
All of my clothes for looking for employment and my grandchildrens for attending a new school was a complete nightmare for they were in the trunk of the car. For four weeks now I have been promised my car and am unable to look for work or send my children to school which threatens our very being. Is there no way to reprimand these outright thiefs, is this a third world country or America. Where is justice, this would send many people to prison. Where is our government when hard earned money is sent to these thugs who make our lives miserable and are friendly in the beginning and rude after the check is cashed. All those who want to create a coalition contact me for a petition to have their license revoked, lets get justice and our vehicles delivered as promised.


Gonna get even