Reporting to the Federal Internet Fraud agency

Shannon Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 8/14/2008 3:28:00 PM
Below is an email I sent to AEC. We have heard no response and are moving on to legal action as we speak. Unfortunately for us, we didn't see this forum before going with this fraudulent company. We will also be contacting the FBI & filing a claim for Internet Fraud in addition to filing a dispute with the bank.
It is my hope that anyone contemplating going with this company will change their mind upon reading all of the damning reports here.
To anyone who has had this happen to them, here a link to the FBI's Internet Complaint Center (IC3). .

Dear A Eastern Connection,

I had two vehicles removed from PA. They were a 1992 (silver) and a 1994 (black) Toyota Paseo. They were/are to be shipped to MA.

Suprisingly, my family received threatening phone calls today from John the Operations Manager. When I called John (who refused to give me his last name), he simply told me that it is a felony in NY to bounce checks and that he wasn't going to "deal" with people like me. Before I called John I had contacted my bank to assure that A Eastern Connection had received payment (While I was on the phone I received three phone calls from your company.) The bank confirmed that the payment went through on the 8th and cleared. However, the transaction had also been attempted to run through again on the 11th. Unfortunately, I was unable to discuss any of this to John who immediately hung up on me. I had to call back several times to try to discuss this matter. I have no other choice but than to go through the BBB and dispute this transaction. Also, if my vehicles are not returned, I will have no choice but to report them stolen. It is unfortunate that I am forced to take these actions. I hope that "John" is not a true representation of this company.

Thank you for your time.
