Steer Clear of this Company at all Costs

Unhappy Customer Submitted this review about 7 Star Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/18/2012 7:36:00 PM

I want to start by saying that the original person I spoke with, Mark, was very helpful and courteous and trying to accommodate my needs. After, my initial call with him, however, everything went down hill from the moment I signed the contract. They called me multiple times a day until I signed the contract, and once I signed it, I could not get them to return a call or respond to an email to save my life.

On the initial call, 7-Star told me it would be no problem what so ever to have my car arrive in Atlanta 9 days from the date i hired them (2-day transit route from New York City), so I signed the agreement and let it sit over the weekend for a pick-up monday or tuesday. Monday afternoon comes around and I had to follow-up with them. I had to contact them myself to find out where the driver was, only to find out they had no driver scheduled yet...really, what were they doing the past 4 days since I signed the contract? Same story continues for days and in the end, they could not find a driver to meet the 6 day delivery time frame I gave them, they refused to take any responsibility and continued to push back on me that they have 10 business days from pick up date to find a driver for me because i agreed to that when I signed the contract. They want to hold me accountable to a paragraph in their contract despite the fact that they gave me their word it would be no problem to arrive well before the deadline.

They refused to give me a refund on my deposit which was charged to my card the day i signed the agreement, and I am STILL waiting on my call back from the manager!

The customer service was horrible, and when I demanded help from a manager the customer service reps made comments such as:
1-this is not a Fast Food service where you can get it the way you want
2-if you would stop calling us, we could do our job of trying to find you a car
3-we don't work for free, so we wont give you a refund for trying to find you a car per the 10 business day clause
4-the other brokers are all liars, they can't move the car any more than we could
5-you are the problem, not us

In the end, I was more angry than I have ever been at anyone. I made a 7 p.m. phone call to another auto company and they cost was a little bit higher, but they found a driver within 10 minutes who could make the pick up tomorrow and delivery in 2 days.

7 Star Auto will give you a low quote to get your business, but then they will have a very hard time finding a driver who will move the car for that low rate, so you are stuck waiting for a driver to get desperate and do the move at the low rate they provided to you.

Please save yourself the headache and stay far away from 7 Auto Transport!

Company Response
Jack Saban from 7 Star Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/8/2013 7:20:00 PM
7 Star works very hard for our customers. We are sorry you could not understand the way the transport industry worked and we are sorry for your frustration on getting the results you wanted. We hope to make it better now that you know.