2007 Rendezvous

J WRIGHT Submitted this review about 5 Star Nationwide
Review made Live: 8/4/2010 6:39:00 PM
I was contacted by Gilbert shortly after submitting a request online (along with a dozen other brokers.) He was able to explain the auto shipping industry to me in a way that made sense.
Until he called, I was unaware that all auto shippers on the internet are only brokers; the request for pickup goes on the same central location to be seen by all trucking outfits and brokers. It is important to note, that the deposit required to place a listing to ship the vehicle IS the brokers fee. I had deposits ranging from $100 to $700 quoted to me. The trucking company only gets the remaining balance. Most brokers say something like “balance paid in cash/check when delivered”. Since the trucking company only gets the “balance” it is easy to compare the best value. Here are few example quotes I received.
1) $1175 with $350 deposit and $825 balance.
2) $1000 with $250 deposit and $750 balance.
3) $1055 with $100 deposit and $955 balance.

Number 1 gives $825 to the trucking company and a whopping $350 to the broker for listing the ad. At the same time, #3 attracts the most trucking companies because it pays them the most. The trucking company only has payment as an incentive; that means that the higher paying run get picked up the quickest. So even though Number 3 is just a little more than 2 and less than 1, when sorted by the “balance” it pays the most and will likely ship first.

Gilbert was awesome at explaining this; I hope to be able to use him in the future to ship a vehicle. The move was priced right, and shipped within 3 days of being listed. It was only a week from the day it was available for pickup until it was delivered – 2500 miles away! Without Gilberts help and advice (I did raise the shipping cost by $150) I am sure that my car would still be in Arkansas.

Bottom line that I learned in this experience:
TALK TO GILBERT, pay the trucker the most for hauling the vehicle, pay the broker a reasonable fee to list it. Brokers only get paid if the vehicle ships. NEVER, NEVER pay for everything upfront.

Thanks to Gilbert for an EXCELLENT job, and thanks to Oklahoma Hot Shots for the quick delivery.