Damage in transit

Walt Submitted this review about 5 Star Nationwide
Review made Live: 6/10/2009 12:34:00 PM
When my order for transport was not picked up by any transport companies, Gilbert called to ask me to raise my bid. Thus the eventual cost was $100 more than the original quote. That was OK but was this an example of bait and switch? Get me to sign on at a lower price then raise it as I grew impatient at the lack of action?

More importantly, the company they chose for me was RELOCATION STATION LLC (also on this site). That company delivered my car to me with damage and due to it being dirty and wet, I did not catch it. It is my conclusion the damage occured in transit or else the driver would have noted it at pickup. So since the driver did not say this damage existed at pickup it happened while on RELOCATION STATION's truck. RELOCATION STATION did not own up to the damage saying it was not covered due to not being caught at delivery. So in my view they got out on a technicality. Be certain you want to take the risk when you accept this transport company should 5 Star Nationwide bring them to your move.

Company Response
Gino from 5 Star Nationwide Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/10/2009 2:41:00 PM
I am sorry that you feel that way.We always advice the customer to note on the bill of lading if there is any damaged on the vehicle once the carrier is there at your location and that is why we even give you our cellphone number to contact us.You contacted the carrier after 3 days to let them know that there was a ding on the door and you let us know after 2 weeks.I am sorry that you had a bad experience with the carrier but I think we have done a good job on our part and the carrier that we always choose are good carriers with a 100 percent rating.