5 star service is excellent, driver is not good

wenjuan shen Submitted this review about 5 Star Nationwide
Review made Live: 4/10/2009 12:53:00 AM
To be honestly you could not expect better customer service than 5 Star's. I have it shipped for $599. Because I am moving from NY to TX, so I have stuff in my car. 5 star found a driver in only 1 day after I booked. But seeing the stuff, the driver want another $200. Then Gilbert (my contact of 5 star) said he would help me find another one, after 3 days, he helped me find a carrier company Zucher Development Inc and lowering the reservation money from $99 to $79, and give the carrier $ 520. I have to say the carrier is not good. They said would pick up at April 4th, then actually pick up at April 5th. And finally they called me they would delivered to me at April 8th, but then actually they delivered at April 6th. I thought the driver is just too lazy, they claimed it is door to door, but they don't know any road of this town, and could not understand what I am telling them. They make me get ready, and said would come in half an hour. But after I waited for 2 hours, nobody call me, then I called them, they let me go to wait on the main road to swing to them when they arrive. Then I walked 20 minutes to the road they mentioned and waited there for 40 minutes, and called them twice they arrive. I thought they are just lazy to find place. Then I found the rear right light is cracked, and that is obviously not marked on the paper they draw when they pick it up, but the driver and the carrier just claim that my car has many damages before(actually just rear bumper), the light's crack is one of them. So that means only if your car has damages, you could transport your car, which is ridiculous. If it is damaged that bad, how could i pay so much money transport it from NY to TX. Finally Gilbert talked to them and finally said he would pay $100 to the carrier, and I could pay $100 less to the carrier. I am satisfied with Gilbert's service, and I could see 5 star is trying their best to make customer happy and taking care of their reputation, so it is a reliable company to trust. But I just advise them carefully choose the carrier, this carrier company is rude,lazy and careless. I am mad of them having my Lincoln Continental' light cracked. Actually 5 star could try smaller carrier, they are more careful.