I shipped my Mercedes, and I'm glad I did it

MICHAEL WOLF Submitted this review about 4 Corners Transport Services
Review made Live: 1/26/2009 5:19:00 PM
I was going to drive. I calculated the costs for gas, food, lodging, based on staying at lowend motels and cheap fast food.

Then I went online just to check what shipping would cost out of curiosity, and put my name into one of those quick quote web sites. I started getting quote after quote. I got about 75 quotes.

The one I finally chose was one of the lower quotes, but not the cheapest. I chose Four Corners because they gave me the most information, in a straight forward way, without a lot of ruffles, and hoopla that anyone can download to look good. They were just plain straightforward and sincere.

So I sent an email, and Jeff called back. He called as somehting happened in the house with our dog, and I just hung up on him. No explanation, nothing, just bang. When I got the proglem resolved, I called back to apologize, and we started talking, and asking questions, and I was getting answers, without getting pressured. I gave myself a day or two to think it over, and compare, because I really was worried about shipping, and of all the quotes, and conversations, 4 corners spoke to me like I was a real person.

So I agreed to the deal.

Then I had senior moments, and I kept calling back to get a clarification, or reassurance, and all though the deal, no matter how many times I called, or emailed, or asked stupid quesitons, Jeff and Ellen were patient and friendly, and always had the information I needed.

In the end the price quoted was $ 115 more then I had estimated the cost would be to drive.

The car was picked up by a great driver who contacted me on schedule, was courteous and respectful of the car, a Mercedes CLK320 Cabrio.
He examined the car with me, and we carefully noted the very few little road scratched along the bottom perimeter of the car. I baby my cars. The car was in prime condition, and he noted that.
Once everything was signed, he said goodbye, and he went on his way.

To be honest, I drove my other Mercedes, an S500 to California at the same time because I had things to bring across country, and I couldn't ship them in the car due to Federal Reg''s, so I had to drive.

The driver and I kept in touch by cell. He had more stops, and I did get back to the Palm Springs area first, a day earlier after driving 2276 miles..

My CLK got to the Palm Springs area exactly when I was told it would get here. The driver and I met, and I watchd the car be unloaded. The driver and I inspected the car carefully. There was no damage of any kind, and in fact, William had placed my car in the center of the load because it was a convertible, to give it as much protection to the elements as possible. And it wasn't just talk, I was there when the truck pulled in.

In the end, I spent more to drive, then to ship. Motels were more then I budgeted. I stopped and saw firiends, which meant picking up the dinner tab. And I put almost 2300 miles on my car that could have been avoided. I also ended up wasting time because a light came on in the Mercedes I was driving, and it was a light that said, STOP, DO NOT DRIVE, so it couldn't be ignored, and I had to trust a local mechanic because I was in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure I got fleeced on the repair.

In the end would I drive again? NO. I could have shipped the few things in the car by UPS, and shipped the car with 4 Corners, and I would have still spent less overall.

You can contact me anytime, I'd say the same thing. These folks made my move one whole lot easier, and the reviews on this site really helped reassure me that I was tmaking the right choice.
This shipping experience was a whole lot nicer then I'd expected.

If you're nervous Jeff and Ellen at 4 Corners are the people to get it all sorted out, organized properly and get you where you want to go, that what's I've got to say, and I'm STIICKIN' TO IT.