Excellent First Time Transport Experience

Bob Submitted this review about 4 Corners Transport Services
Review made Live: 10/8/2008 8:38:00 PM
After purchasing the car off of Ebay, I began the process of finding a transport company, or a broker. I spent over a week doing my research online, and received many quotes, one of which was over $2000.00. I actually kept a separate folder for all of the responses I had received, over 130. Luckily I found this site, and was able to weed out alot of them right from the start. Jeff had quoted me one of the lowest prices I had received for transporting a car nearly 2000 miles. I did check to see if it would have been cheaper for me to fly there, and maybe even drive it back. I couldn't come close to the original quote of $794.00, between the cost of airfare, gas, and hotel stays, and food along the way. While I was about to close upon my decision, On 9/29 Jeff had sent me an offer of $30.00 off the quoted price if I had responded within a couple of days. I made out the paperwork, and faxed it into him on 10/01/08. After speaking with him initially, he already had a carrier lined up that night, and told me the car would be picked up the following day. Later that same day he called again, and said the car would be picked up that same day, and I could expect it on 10/08/08. He gave me the name of the transport carrier, and his phone number and name. The company he contracted to is called Transporter, and the drivers name is Anatoly. I spoke with him on the phone once after the initial pick up, and everything went smooth. I didn't even bother to call during his trip here...He called me on 10/7 to confirm the drop off time, and again on 10/8 to make sure everything was a go. Due to the narrow side streets, he parked the carrier about 1/2 of a block away, and drove the car right up to my house. The car arrived just as I had seen it in the pictures, although a little bit of dirt from being transported 2000 miles on an open carrier, which is to be expected. Nothing a good car wash can't take care of. Both Jeff and Ellen were a pleasure to work with, as was the driver they had contracted for the move. I would highly recommend them anytime, and would call them first if I have any other moves to make in the future...Thanks Again...Bob