My 59 T'Bird

Ren Submitted this review about 1-2 Go 2 Transportation
Review made Live: 10/29/2009 12:09:00 PM
Thanks for your kind reply Scott. Still getting defensive !! If you'd actually taken the time to read my comments you'd actually realize I didnt say anything about YOU.
My comments clearly state that the transporter did not follow the procedures you intimated in our phone discussion and our email correspondence prior to and during the whole saga. You couldnt even get your story straight. . . you didnt even know where the car was and despite what you say it can clearly be seen even in the photos I sent you that the bottom edge of the driver's door is lower than the side of the trailer and the door has been hit against it. I had simply asked you if there was any recourse with respect of the carrier's insurance. I did not blame you personally for the damage. The transporter you engaged to carry the car failed to do what you said he would do. When approached about the damage you immediately shifted the blame everywhere you could. . . not a good look ! All you had to say was sorry but as the carrier hadnt done what he was supposed to do you couldnt initiate a claim for damage done on my behalf. For your edification you might want to consider that this particular car was not your average old car. . . last year it was a 968 point concourse car and I have close up hi resolution photos that were taken in the carpark where it was picked up from. Your surly attitude does you no favours at all. My comments were meant to alert people to ask as many questions as possible and cover all the bases before they engage anyone to transport a car. . . NOT you specifically. I suggest you read my previous comments carefully before. . . as you so eloquently put it It was most unfortunate for both YOU and I that the job was given to the carrier that did the job. As I said I will go back to flying over to the USA and driving my cars to the port myself. . . it will be safer and ultimately cheaper for me. Perhaps you may take away a lesson from this as well and be somewhat more selective in who you engage.
I wish you well with future jobs for other customers as we all deserve to be treated with respect as a consumer of services that we pay for.
So take it on the chin mate and learn from it . . . just as I have.

Company Response
Scott Myrtue from 1-2 Go 2 Transportation Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/29/2009 12:27:00 PM
I will agree the weather was bad when the car was loaded. The seller called me and said it was raining and the carrier could not do a good inspection of the car. The driver was told the only damage to the car was a chipped wind shield and that was it. The seller was concerned that it did not go enclosed trailer, Reno the buyer said he didn’t want to spend the extra money if we could get it top loaded and that is what we did. The carrier put the T-BIRD in the number two spot, which is the second car from the front on the top deck. The damage Reno is talking about are paint chips and rock chips and a scratch on the bottom edge of the drivers door. This car never moved from its spot on the trailer and no damage was done loading it or I would have heard about it from the seller immediately. It did not go a round about way to California as described by Reno, how ever these carriers don’t just pickup a car and head straight for your destination they have to keep the trailer full to make any money. We were never aware of a deadline at the port by Reno, I found this out from the seller the day the car was picked up and then we still didn’t know the latest date. But evidently the car made the boat on time. The car was never driven by the carrier except to load and unload the car period. The damage I was notified of are rock chips and paint chips, some thing you get from driving it down the road. This T-BIRD has racing slicks on the back and sits a little closer to the ground then a regular car, so I believe the damage was done after years of cruising around showing the car off. I don’t generally take the side of the carrier but in this case I have no choice, they are a 100% company and an A with the BBB. They have talked to me with honesty and integrity which is hard to find now days. I believe the damage was either done before it was loaded or in the port where they drive these car around a lot. The inspection at the port was done hours after the carrier left and could have been driven hard by any one at the port. We are an honest company and have moved over 300 cars to Australia for numerous customers and this is the first one that we sent a car to the port for Australia with any damage. I feel the damage is from several years of driving on the highway and could not have been done while in the carriers care. I hope you find this review helpful and will use us to move your cars and trucks. If you have any questions about this review call me at 866-551-2462 and I will gladly answer any of your questions. Just ask for Scott.